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Outdoor Single Color LED Display-HTSO-1200

Products details:

Outdoor single color display uses single red or green LED as display apparatus to show single red or green color.Can show simple words and pictures.It is fit in with entire outdoor environment.

Technical Parameters

Type HTS0-1200
Pixel Diameter 8mm
Space between Pixels 12mm
Pixel Contents 1red
Pixel Density 6944 spot /m 2
Color Red
Unit Board Dimension 1024mm×768mm
Unit Pixel 16 spot×8 spot
Brightness 3500CD/ m 2
Visual Angle ±40o
Working Temperature -20oC~~+ 80oC
Volt 220V ± 10%
Maximum Power 500W/ m 2
Average Power 300W/ m 2
Display Speed 120 frame / s
Radiation Pipes Life-span 100000 hours
Communication Method UTP(TCP/IP),Optical Fiber
Unit Board Weight 35 Kg
MTTF 5000 hours
Blind Spot Percentage 0.1 ‰

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